
GuardLab, Inc. is hiring a
Mouthguard Production Assistant

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Read by 38 job seekers.

Farmingdale, United States

The Mouthguard Production Assistant will assist with manufacturing and shipping operations for GuardLab products. This position requires patience, extreme precision, manual dexterity and attention to detail.  The ideal candidate will enjoy physical work, must have a positive attitude and takes pride in producing high quality results.

// Key Functions

  • Ensuring all guards are created with rigorous attention to detail, and carefully able to handle small equipment and machinery
  • Packing and preparing shipping labels and monitoring due dates for accurate product delivery 
  • Organization of the production area, ensuring all materials are properly used, stored and cared for
  • Keeping meticulous inventory of all materials, molds and equipment needed for mouthguard production
  • Work closely with Production Manager and other departments to create a seamless customer service experience



Estimated Salary range:

Our salary intelligence, powered by our AI algorithms, has calculated an estimated range for this position between $28,000 - $33,000 . Please note that the actual salary for this position may vary, as it is dependent on various factors including but not limited to experience, location, and market dynamics.

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