
CD PROJEKT RED is hiring a
Spontaneous Application (Orion)

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Read by 18 job seekers.

Boston, Orion

All currently open vacancies for Project Orion, the next major game in the Cyberpunk 2077 franchise are listed on our website.
You may find them searching through the disciplines or through the "Project Orion" filter.

If you don't find an expected role and yet are interested in working on a sequel to Cyberpunk 2077, drop here your application for the future!

Estimated Salary range:

Our salary intelligence, powered by our AI algorithms, has calculated an estimated range for this position between The AI model is not able to provide an estimation for this specific request as it requires up-to-date and specific market data that the AI currently doesn't have. . Please note that the actual salary for this position may vary, as it is dependent on various factors including but not limited to experience, location, and market dynamics.

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