About AllTrails
AllTrails is the most trusted and used outdoors platform in the world. We help people explore the outdoors with hand-curated trail maps along with photos, reviews, and user recordings crowdsourced from our community of millions of registered hikers, mountain bikers, and trail runners in 150 countries. AllTrails is frequently ranked as a top-5 Health and Fitness app and has been downloaded by over 50 million people worldwide. AllTrails was selected as Apple's App of the Year in 2023!
Every day, we solve incredibly hard problems so that we can get more people outside having healthy, authentic experiences and a deeper appreciation of the outdoors. Join us!
Director, Product Design
What You’ll Be Doing:Build, coach, and grow a world-class product design teamHelp create a best-in-class product & brand that is ubiquitous with getting outside by setting new standards for visual and interaction design workBe a voice of our users and empathize with their needsLead your own design work from conceptual ideas to simple, intuitive, and useful products on web, iOS and AndroidWork in a highly collaborative environment across product management, research, data, engineering, and marketing Requirements:10+ years of professional experience researching, designing, and shipping consumer facing products/features for iOS, Android, and web5+ years of experience building and leading world-class UX Design teamsAn exceptional people manager who finds joy in building, coaching, and mentoring your teamA passion for turning complex problems into elegant and engaging user experiencesOutstanding product design sensibility and craft - excelling at UX, visual design and interaction Willingness and recent experience creating your own end-to-end design work - from concepts through post-launch learnings Experiencing applying learnings from research, metrics and usability to inform design decisionsExpert communication skills, including the ability to persuade and inspireExperience collaborating closely across functions - including Product Management and Engineering - to define, develop and optimize new product features Product sensibility – experience informing product roadmaps and feature prioritizationExperience designing inclusively (ex. international, multi-language, accessible use cases)Humble, empathetic and open-minded - no egosPassion for the outdoorsBonus: diverse experience across large and small companies, as well as agencies
Nature celebrates you just the way you are and so do we! At AllTrails we’re passionate about nurturing an inclusive workplace that values diversity. It’s no secret that companies that are diverse in background, age, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, ethnicity, and perspective are proven to be more successful. We’re focused on creating an environment where everyone can do their best work and thrive.
AllTrails participates in the E-Verify program for all remote locations.
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