About AllTrails
AllTrails is the most trusted and used outdoors platform in the world. We help people explore the outdoors with hand-curated trail maps along with photos, reviews, and user recordings crowdsourced from our community of millions of registered hikers, mountain bikers, and trail runners in 150 countries. AllTrails is frequently ranked as a top-5 Health and Fitness app and has been downloaded by over 50 million people worldwide. AllTrails was selected as Apple's App of the Year in 2023!
Every day, we solve incredibly hard problems so that we can get more people outside having healthy, authentic experiences and a deeper appreciation of the outdoors. Join us!
Bay Area employees are highly encouraged to come into the office one day a week.
About the Role
As the Lead Security Engineer at AllTrails, you’ll play a pivotal role in our continued growth and expansion by leading and managing security functions across the organization. You'll also be deeply involved in our infrastructure and engineering projects to help deliver on our vision of fostering happy, healthy communities by connecting people to the outdoors and to each other. If this role sounds right to you and you're motivated by the idea of channeling your energy to help millions of people around the globe spend more time exploring the outdoors, then we want to talk to you.
What You’ll Be Doing:Serving as an engineering leader and expert on securityDefine and implement the security roadmap, ensuring compliance with company requirements and industry standardsDrive automation and toolchain improvements to enhance security processesCollaborate across teams (Engineering/IT/Compliance) to maintain alignment on security policies, workflows, and service level agreementsIntegrate security into development workflows and infrastructure using automation, infrastructure-as-code, and cloud security scanning techniquesAct as a hands-on leader in security tool integration, ensuring seamless integration into CI pipelines and deployment systemsRequirements:10+ years of experience leading cybersecurity or corporate security programs, with a focus on securing large-scale web/cloud applications and infrastructureExpertise in security infrastructure, including SIEM, firewalls, intrusion detection, identity and access management, and vulnerability managementFamiliarity with various software development life cycles and product security programsProven experience in managing security incidents, including root cause analysis, executive briefings, and communication strategiesExperience leading bug bounty programs, penetration testing, and triaging security findingsStrong cross-functional collaboration skills with internal teams (business, engineering) and external incident response teamsIn-depth knowledge of security compliance requirements, such as GDPR, and guiding organizations through compliance processesHands-on experience with Infrastructure-as-Code frameworks (e.g., Terraform) and automating security tools and processes (e.g., using Bash, Python)Humility, empathy and open-mindedness - no egosBelieve that strong teams are built on trust and autonomyPassion for the outdoors Nature celebrates you just the way you are and so do we! At AllTrails we’re passionate about nurturing an inclusive workplace that values diversity. It’s no secret that companies that are diverse in background, age, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, ethnicity, and perspective are proven to be more successful. We’re focused on creating an environment where everyone can do their best work and thrive.
AllTrails participates in the E-Verify program for all remote locations.
Estimated Salary range:
Our salary intelligence, powered by our AI algorithms, has calculated an estimated range for this position between $120,000 - $160,000 . Please note that the actual salary for this position may vary, as it is dependent on various factors including but not limited to experience, location, and market dynamics.
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