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Swimply is hiring a

Pickleball Host

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Read by 320 job seekers.

Location: Seattle, WA

Job Description

What We Do
Swimply is an online marketplace that allows homeowners to share their passion spaces with their local communities. We started with swimming pools which took us to $20M+ in 2 years, but pools are just the beginning. We’re creating a new category within local experiences. Think AirBnB for swimming pools, hot tubs, tennis courts, and homes by the hour!

Wall Street Journal
New York Times
The Washington Post

We are looking for a private pickleball court owner who is passionate about the sport and interested in building a community around it. In this role, you will partner with Swimply, think Airbnb for pickleball, to offer access to your private pickleball court. If you are in the pickleball world, you know how difficult it can be finding a place to play and people you want to play with. Swimply offers a solution by partnering with court owners listing their court on our platform. It is completely up to the host when you want to open your court for private bookings and you approve every user that uses your court.

This is a great opportunity for a pickleball enthusiast who wants to share their passion for the sport with others and build a community around it. If you meet the qualifications and are interested in this exciting opportunity, please apply!

Key Responsibilities
  • Must own a private pickleball court
  • Passion for the sport of pickleball and building community
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Strong organizational and planning skills

  • undefined
    We will partner with you giving you a frictionless experience and making sure you are comfortable and in the best position to provide a great hosting experience!

    Estimated Salary Range

    Our AI-powered salary intelligence estimates this position’s salary to be between Unable to provide estimate.. The actual salary may vary based on factors such as experience, location, and market trends.

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