97,424 $
Average Salary
Low: 15k $
Most Likely: 79k $
High: 160k $
The salary information provided for a security engineer Jobs is based on our AI salary calculator and represents the best estimates we have based on the data we have collected. According to our proprietary Sales Calculator model, the estimated total pay for this position is most likely between 78,750 - 96,250$ per year, with an average salary of 97,424$ per year. The median salary, which represents the midpoint of this range, is 92,500$ per year. The highest Salary range for a is more than 160,000$ per year.
Graduate Hire 2024/25 - SRE/Security Engineer OKX Graduate Hire Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR | 2 days ago |
Platform Security Engineering Manager Fanduel $120,000 - $150,000 Cyber Security Atlanta | 4 days ago |
(Senior) Cloud Security Engineer (all genders) Urban Sports Club Product Management | 4 days ago |
Kubernetes & Application Security Engineer Genius Sports Technology Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia | 4 days ago |
TechOps & Security Engineer Improbable $60,000 - $80,000 IT & Security London | 9 days ago |