About AllTrails
AllTrails is the most trusted and used outdoors platform in the world. We help people explore the outdoors with hand-curated trail maps along with photos, reviews, and user recordings crowdsourced from our community of millions of registered hikers, mountain bikers, and trail runners in 150 countries. AllTrails is frequently ranked as a top-5 Health and Fitness app and has been downloaded by over 75 million people worldwide. AllTrails was selected as Apple's App of the Year in 2023!
Every day, we solve incredibly hard problems so that we can get more people outside having healthy, authentic experiences and a deeper appreciation of the outdoors. Join us!
Bay Area employees are highly encouraged to come into the office one day a week.
What You’ll Be Doing:Design, build and implement new product features for the AllTrails Android appLead projects to help improve the architecture and infrastructure of the application, gathering requirements and building consensus across multiple teamsCoordinate tasks with your teammates and self-pilot through each sprintIdentify and squash bugsDeliver performant, reliable, scalable, and secure codeMonitor performance and address scaling issuesRequirements:Demonstrable projects and results from 5+ years of developing native Android applicationsBachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalentSignificant Java, Kotlin and Android Studio experience Familiarity with RESTful APIs and RetrofitExperience with ComposeExperience with Android UI themes, styles, and attributesProficient in Coroutines/Flow or RxJavaExperience with SQLite, Room, and other persistence technologiesExperience using Dagger for dependency injectionProficiency with Git/Github or other distributed version control systemsSelf-motivation and a deep sense of pride in your workCuriosity, humility, and open-mindednessPassion about mobile technologies and AllTrails’ mission to connect people to the outdoorsExperience collaborating with cross functional teams (product, analytics, design)Nature celebrates you just the way you are and so do we! At AllTrails we’re passionate about nurturing an inclusive workplace that values diversity. It’s no secret that companies that are diverse in background, age, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, ethnicity, and perspective are proven to be more successful. We’re focused on creating an environment where everyone can do their best work and thrive.
AllTrails participates in the E-Verify program for all remote locations.
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