
Zynga is hiring a
Software Engineer 2 - Ad Monetization

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Read by 127 job seekers.

Zynga's software engineers don't just develop some of the world's popular games, we deliver some of the world's largest infrastructures. Our software engineers are blazing trails in all facets of game design, mobile development, web technologies, and massive scalability. Zynga faces a number of technical challenges—but many are unique to our scale: the evolving landscape of online gaming requires us to continually push boundaries. Zynga software engineers pick up any languages, technologies, or methodologies necessary to smite a challenge—and if a conventional solution doesn't exist, we innovate as necessary. Our software engineers are comfortable moving between front-end, back-end, and architecture roles.


Zynga is seeking a talented and motivated junior engineer to join the Ad Tech team. Your team will be delivering the technology that generates hundreds of millions of ads revenue! In this role, you will be responsible for the development of the end-to-end Ad Tech platform. You will be collaborating with various game teams (such as Words with Friends, CSR2, Zynga Poker, Dawn of Titans and more!) to integrate our product and technologies into games that are played by millions of users daily.

Join us as we solve challenges developing and operating products at scale, impacting millions of players daily and support our games to achieve the highest levels of success through expertly crafted software. No gaming experience is needed for the right candidate.


If you’re looking for a fast paced, results driven environment, you will be involved on the front lines collaborating with game studios in the earliest stages of development to support operations of our biggest live games. And you will be doing it with a seasoned team of professionals, pushing the capabilities and quality of our products and technology. Zynga also provides a competitive base salary, full medical/dental/extended benefits, and plenty of perks like gym membership, meals and snacks, and company-wide happy hours and activities.


  • Design, implement and maintain the mobile SDKs (iOS, Android and Unity) and core server components of Ad Tech platform.
  • Analyze and improve performance, scalability, reliability and measurability of system components.
  • Implement integration with multiple 3rd-party mobile advertising networks and web services.
  • Work with Product Management to translate business requirements into technical requirements.
  • Drive improvements and new approaches to address potential systemic pain points and technical debt.
  • Maintain an understanding of end-to-end system interactions and architecture in order to assess implications and dependencies associated with design decisions.
  • Collaborate with technical teams on new and emerging technologies, determining how they will integrate into current and evolving infrastructure.
  • Provide production and integration support to Zynga’s game teams.


  • BS, MS in Computer Science, or related technical discipline (or equivalent).
  • 1-2 years of software development experience in Java, or C#/C++.
  • Basic database development skills including SQL.
  • A self starter and proven ability to learn new technologies.
  • Experience in an agile development environment.
  • Excellent understanding of CS fundamentals, data structures and algorithms.
  • Exhibits strong software development qualities including the ability to drive creative and innovative solutions to complex problems.
  • Excellent communication skills, and ability to articulate technical concepts.
  • Ability to work effectively with others in a team environment.


  • Experience with mobile development in Objective-C, Android Java, and/or Unity.
  • Knowledge of web technologies and frameworks.
  • Experience with cloud environments like Amazon AWS.
  • Understanding of the advertising technology landscape.


  • Competitive salary, bonus plan and ESPP (Employee Stock Purchase Plan)
  • 401K Company Match Contribution (US)
  • RRSP/DPSP company match contribution (Canada)
  • Health coverage, dental, disability, critical illness, EAP, and life insurance (Canada)
  • Medical, dental, vision, EAP, life insurance, and disability benefits (US)
  • Virtual mental health and neurodiversity support programs
  • Global Fitness reimbursement program
  • Global Wellbeing Program
  • Financial wellness program with unlimited access to certified financial planners
  • Discretionary Time Off policy for many employees
  • Family planning support program
  • Generous paid parental, pregnancy-related disability, caregiver, and compassionate leaves
  • Subsidized Back-up child care
  • Zynga happy hours and frequent employee events
  • Flexible working hours on many teams
  • Culture of diversity and inclusion including employee resource groups
  • Work with cool people and impact millions of daily player

We are an equal opportunity employer and we are committed to building a diverse and talented workforce. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, colour, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, medical condition, disability, or any other class or characteristic protected by applicable law. We welcome job-seekers, players, employees, and partners from all backgrounds to join us!

We will consider all qualified job-seekers with criminal histories in a manner consistent with applicable law.

We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with physical or mental disabilities in order to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment. Please contact us at AccommodationRequest@zynga.com to request an accommodation associated with your application for an open position.


Zynga does not  engage in financial exchanges during the recruitment or onboarding process. We do not conduct job interviews over third-party messaging apps such as Telegram, WhatsApp or others. We will never ask you for your personal or financial information over unofficial chat channels. Our in-house recruitment team only contacts individuals via official company email addresses (i.e., via a zynga.com or naturalmotion.com email domain).

If you believe you have been the victim of a scam, you may wish to contact the authorities. In the United States, you may file a complaint with the FBI. More information is available here: https://www.ic3.gov.

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