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This role is aimed to cover the gap in the current workflow from sales to delivery, meet the Chinese customers’ requirements, bring better customer experience. E.g., work with a bridge to link the multiple contact persons in overseas production to the customers in China, it is easier to level up the customer experience. 该岗位旨在弥补销售至交付过程中现有工作流的不足,满足中国客户的需求,为客户提供更好的服务体验。例如,与海外生产的多个联系人建立桥梁,将其与中国客户联系起来,这样更容易提升客户体验。
Social Insurance and Housing Fund, Annual Leave, Bonus, Medical Check-up, EAP Program
Our AI-powered salary intelligence estimates this position’s salary to be between $25,000 - $35,000. The actual salary may vary based on factors such as experience, location, and market trends.