About AllTrails
AllTrails is the most trusted and used outdoors platform in the world. We help people explore the outdoors with hand-curated trail maps along with photos, reviews, and user recordings crowdsourced from our community of millions of registered hikers, mountain bikers, and trail runners in 150 countries. AllTrails is frequently ranked as a top-5 Health and Fitness app and has been downloaded by over 50 million people worldwide. AllTrails was selected as Apple's App of the Year in 2023!
Every day, we solve incredibly hard problems so that we can get more people outside having healthy, authentic experiences and a deeper appreciation of the outdoors. Join us!
About the Team
The AllTrails marketing team is building a global, beloved outdoors brand. We launch and scale creative, impactful initiatives to drive awareness of the AllTrails brand and bring more people onto the AllTrails platform.
The Affiliate Contractor is a full-time (30 hours per week) remote contractor role on the Brand Communications team, reporting directly to the Affiliate Manager. The affiliate contract is responsible for garnering affiliate partnerships to drive visibility of AllTrails and its mission to get more people outdoors. The right candidate brings a track record of success within the affiliate space, and is a natural relationship-builder, data-driven strategic thinker, diligent project manager, and results-oriented marketer. Above all, this person is inspired to join us in helping the world find its way outside
What You'll Be Doing:Affiliate relations, recruitment, outreach, reporting, internal relationshipsManage, develop, and nurture affiliate partners for AllTrails’ global affiliate programAssist in pulling weekly, monthly, and quarter reports to assess performance, partner activity, and areas for scale and/or adjustmentsHandle day-to-day tasks in the affiliate networkConduct ongoing publisher outreach, recruitment, and optimizations in timely momentsLiaison with PR team and share actionable insights and dataKeep up with emerging trends, technologies and partnersRequirements:At least 3 years of experience including experience in Affiliate Marketing (DTC or subscription service preferred or agency experience)Knowledge of the affiliate marketing landscape and PR/commerce coverageExperience with global or international affiliate programs Well-organized with excellent time managementWillingness to learn and adapt dailyAbility to build reports and analyze data to share across the organizationAbility to work effectively as part of a team and independentlyWell-versed and well-connected in the affiliate or media landscape - you know the people and the media organizations that matter Current understanding of the latest consumer trends and media narratives - you are quick to develop an on-brand angle for AllTrails that’s relevant to the conversation of the moment Results-oriented - you are highly motivated and comfortable delivering results in fast-paced work environmentsYou excel at Excel Empathy, open-mindedness, and humilityPassion for the outdoorsEquipment specs/requirements - Contractor must use their own lap top and install Vanta agent to monitor AVS + Hard-drive Encryption (MacOS 11 or higher or Windows 10 Pro* or 11 Pro (64-bit) are the minimum equipment specifications)Nature celebrates you just the way you are and so do we! At AllTrails we’re passionate about nurturing an inclusive workplace that values diversity. It’s no secret that companies that are diverse in background, age, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, ethnicity, and perspective are proven to be more successful. We’re focused on creating an environment where everyone can do their best work and thrive.
AllTrails participates in the E-Verify program for all remote locations.
Estimated Salary range:
Our salary intelligence, powered by our AI algorithms, has calculated an estimated range for this position between $45,000 - $60,000 . Please note that the actual salary for this position may vary, as it is dependent on various factors including but not limited to experience, location, and market dynamics.
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